Queensland Government Media Releases

School zone signs now flashing in 100 extra schools

June 09, 2017

Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports and Minister for Energy, Biofuels and Water Supply
The Honourable Mark Bailey

School zone signs now flashing in 100 extra schools

Flashing school zone signs have been installed at 100 schools this past financial year, providing safety and a constant reminder to motorists to slow down around school kids.

Main Roads and Road Safety Minister said the signs were becoming more common near schools around the state, with the latest 2016/17 round being completed ahead of schedule.

“This year’s installation program is part of a commitment to install flashing signs at 300 school zones between 2015 and 2018,” Mr Bailey said.

“With the latest school zones now proudly flashing, we have successfully installed over 740 signs in zones everywhere from the Far North of the state to the border and out west.

“This is an excellent initiative to further enhance safety outside schools when our littlest Queenslanders are out and about.

“My department works with the community and schools in identifying the most at-risk school zones.”

Mr Bailey reminded motorists that regardless of whether a school zone had flashing signs or not, motorists needed to always be aware of the conditions they were driving through, and to stick to the posted speed limit at all times.

“While not all school zones may have flashing signs at this stage, every single school zone has posted speed limits which are enforced,” he said.

“Please remember to slow down around schools – kids are unpredictable and may run out onto the road at any time without realising the consequences.”

Mr Bailey said Transport and Main Roads was currently finalising school zones for the next round of installations to be installed in the 2017/18 financial year.

“We undertake a detailed risk analysis to determine the school zones that received the flashing signs,” he said.

The process includes consideration of local issues and problem areas raised by schools and communities through their Members of Parliament. Priority is given to school zones with a high level of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, higher speed limits or visibility problems. Crash history is also taken into consideration.